Am I sensitive to caffeine?

Am I sensitive to caffeine?

If you look up caffeine on Wikipedia, you will find this familiar substance described as ‘the world’s most widely consumed psychoactive drug’: quite an introduction. A ‘psychoactive’ drug is one which changes mood or behaviour by affecting our central nervous systems....
Why am I bloating after eating?

Why am I bloating after eating?

Bloating after eating is a common problem. Many people experience this uncomfortable, swollen sensation after meals. It is normally triggered by indigestion, or by eating too much of a particular type of food. Fortunately, some relatively simple lifestyle changes can...
What is caffeine intolerance?

What is caffeine intolerance?

The 21st Century runs on caffeine: at no time in human history have we consumed as much. This potent natural chemical is thought to be the world’s most widely consumed psychoactive stimulant – meaning a substance that affects the nervous system. As soon as they...
Top 5 vitamins for hair growth and thickness

Top 5 vitamins for hair growth and thickness

Published July 19, 2021 Hair can be hard work. It’s always doing its own thing – not staying in one place, flickering in response to every passing breeze, having its own little party on the top of your head. At the same time, it’s easy to take it for granted, to...