
Whilst it is possible for the body to develop a sensitivity or intolerance to any food or drink item there are certainly those, which are very common.

Whilst there are a number of different types of sugar, the most commonly used in homes and in the manufacturing of pre-packaged foods is table sugar or granulated sugar. Granulated sugar is often used in the home as a sweetener in beverages such as coffee or tea, or on cereals or as an ingredient in baking or cooking. It is used extensively in the production of processed food and drink as a sweetener and a preservative; fizzy drinks, cordial, sweets, chocolate, bread, baked goods, cereal, muesli, granola, flavored yogurt, flavored milk, low-fat products, sauces, salad dressing, soups and processed meals.

Cutting sugar out of the daily diet has been greatly facilitated by the many products in grocery stores and online, which are sugar-free. There are also many products now, which are made using ‘natural’ sweeteners like dates, stevia, coconut sugar, honey or maple syrup. Of the ‘natural’ sweeteners, stevia is the one, which is suitable for diabetics and those on a ketogenic diet. The easiest way to cut sugar from the daily diet is to eat a whole food diet, which contains no processed or pre-packaged food. 


Table sugar, as a carbohydrate, is just sugars and beyond this does not provide any other nutrition. Natural sugar alternatives are still sugar (with the exception of stevia), but they offer the benefit of providing small amounts of vitamins and minerals where the average granulated sugar does not. Natural sugar alternatives also offer small amounts of antioxidants, B vitamins, potassium, phosphorous, iron, zinc, copper and manganese. Using dates can also boost the fibre content of a recipe.

Komplementäre Alternativmedizin (CAMS)

Unsere Tests auf Nahrungsmittelempfindlichkeit werden mit Hilfe der Bioresonanztherapie durchgeführt und fallen unter die Kategorie Komplementär- und Alternativmedizin (CAMs), die ein breites Spektrum von Therapien umfasst, die nicht zur Schulmedizin gehören. Die Tests und die damit zusammenhängenden Informationen stellen keine medizinische Diagnose dar und sind nicht als Ersatz für professionelle medizinische Beratung, Diagnose oder Behandlung gedacht.

Wenden Sie sich immer an Ihren Arzt oder einen anderen qualifizierten Gesundheitsdienstleister, wenn Sie an einer Krankheit leiden oder wenn Sie Fragen zu einer Krankheit und/oder medizinischen Symptomen haben.

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