Published July 4, 2020
Right now, we’re living in unchartered territory. Whilst the government and health agencies battle with the effects of a new virus, with as yet unknown long term consequences, we’re all battling with our own struggles. Among the worries of ourselves or our loved ones catching the virus, financial concerns and how on earth to home school the kids, our diets are also at the forefronts of our minds.
When we’re bored or working in a different routine from home, it’s all too easy to wander mindlessly to the fridge or snack cupboard or order a takeaway on a no contact food delivery app. Being at home all day, every day, when every day feels the same, can mean constant grazing throughout the whole time we’re awake (plus a few midnight snacks). It might even mean crisps and wine for dinner. None of which is healthy, especially if our grazing habits mean switching backwards and forwards between biscuits, chocolate and cheese.
So how can we avoid over-snacking if we’d rather be taking a healthier approach to eating? Here’s our top tips!
- Do things to avoid boredom – snacking is usually a consequence of being bored. The less bored you are, the less likely you’ll be to think about snacking. So try to fill up your day with an hours exercise outside, working, doing jobs around the house and working on your favourite hobbies (or finding and learning new ones).
- Be a savvy shopper – with shopping still currently restricted, we’re all getting used to doing a more robust weekly shop. Making sure this shop is filled with fresh ingredients, wholemeal grains, lean protein sources, fruits and vegetables will help you avoid snacking – because the best way to avoid unhealthy snacks is to not buy unhealthy snacks in the first place!
- Start the day right – begin your day with exercise (there are lots of online exercise classes designed to be carried out at home with minimal equipment) and a healthy breakfast. This way, you’ll be more inspired to keep the whole day healthy and finish on the good note you started on. This virtuous cycle will then hopefully extend into the following days and beyond when you make it a habit.
- Use Post-It notes! If you think you’ll be making regular trips to the kitchen, stick a note on the fridge or treat drawer reminding you to think twice before grabbing the nearest bar of chocolate.
- Power up with protein – protein keeps us fuller for longer, meaning that we’ll be less inclined to want to snack between meals. So make sure each of your meals is protein packed. Lean meat, beans (even baked beans), eggs, fish, chickpeas and lentils are all great sources of protein and are also low in fat.
Not all snacking is bad. Often, we’ll need a little boost between meals to keep us going. Especially so if we’ve been exercising or we’re using a lot of brain power. So opt for heathier snacks instead. Here’s a few ideas:
- Hummus and oatcakes
- A fruit smoothie
- A handful of unsalted nuts – walnuts are great
- Fruit dipped in peanut butter
- Wholemeal toast and marmite
Happy (healthy) snacking!
Written by Hannah De Gruchy
Health, Wellness & Environmental Writer | Human Biology BSc (Hons)
I have an extensive knowledge of diet, health and wellbeing topics and consistently produce high quality, fully researched content for blogs, features and articles.
I’ve always loved to write, and after spending the first ten years of my career laboratory based, embarked on a career change in 2009 by joining an innovative and first to market online doctor. I was responsible for managing all online and printed content including articles, product descriptions and marketing materials, and now have extensive knowledge of what it takes to write engaging, imaginative pieces.
In 2013 I had a major role in setting up and have had overall responsibility for all content (including the blog and product descriptions), social media and printed materials. Emmbie is an online health, diet, fitness and lifestyle company selling natural, organic, vegan health food supplements.
I also have experience in proofreading and editing content written by doctors, making sure it reads well as a non-doctor and am fully versed in being consistent with editorial guidelines.
I’m motivated and well organised for freelance working, my desk shares a space with a running machine, which often comes in handy when I’m told by my watch I’ve been sitting down too long or need some inspiration away from the screen!
I try to live a simple life, always conscious of my impact on the environment and have recently taken a keen interest in Buddhism. I choose natural beauty and household products and eat local, organic produce when I can. Staying true to both my way of life and my scientific background, I have a passion for writing on these subjects that is evident in my work.