Easy dairy-free coconut chicken and green pepper curry
If entertaining a group of friends or family over Easter for a few days, you will be cooking plenty of food! Make use of your leftover roast, such as chicken, and provide them with a delicious curry – easy and quick to make – smells and tastes divine! If you have...
Vegan Caribbean lime cheesecake
The citrussy and zingy taste of lime is always refreshing. But a bit of sweetness, without sugar, is difficult to achieve. This cheesecake is a combination of sweetness and citrus, which provides a lovely balance. A great dessert to serve at Easter. A huge selection...
Gluten free sundried tomatoes and asparagus with parmesan and rice noodles
This is a perfect lunch for those who have to eat gluten free, but the flavour is still lovely and intense from the tomatoes. It’s a great quick lunch for 2, but if you need more, simply double up or treble up the quantities! Serves: 2 Prep time: 10...
Orange and nut bliss balls
These small but appetising ‘one-bites’ will calm down any hunger or sugar cravings, should you get a snack attack. Simple to make, they will only take you around 5 minutes to make before you pop one into your mouth. Nuts of course are good for your fibre intake,...
Mediterranean Fish Bake
This dish is very easy and extremely tasty (and healthy too). Make sure you examine the fish you buy carefully; it should smell of the sea, not fishy, eyes should be bright and scales gleaming. Fresh fish is the key to the dish. This recipe is nutritious from a...
Gluten and dairy free savoury cheese and chive scones
The problem with baking is it often involves one ingredient or another that people can be allergic or intolerant to. A very common problem is gluten, but this recipe is perfect for those who like baked goods, but often struggle to find popular ‘treats’ that they can...
Egg-free crepes or pancakes
If you are allergic or intolerant towards eggs, having breakfast or any meal that contains them can be difficult. It’s time to try an egg replacement! To be honest, if you notice the difference, you must have super-sensitive tastebuds. You can make these crepes or...
Why Are Food Allergies More Common Now?
All over the world, particularly in developed nations, children are more likely to develop allergies than ever before. Although most reactions are mild, the fact they can be fatal means patients and families have to live in fear and be constantly vigilant when...
How to Get Rid of Stomach Pain
Stomach aches are an unpleasant feeling many of us have experienced, and can be caused by anything from indigestion to food poisoning. However, some stomach pain can be as a result of a food intolerance. If you regularly experience stomach pain during or after eating,...
How To Test For Lactose Intolerance
Milk products are considered a dietary staple throughout the world. Indeed, dairy is one of the five food groups, and milk and milk derivatives are found in foods you wouldn’t expect. Artificial sweeteners, bakery goods, bread and even some brands of breath mints...
Is it Possible to Have Alcohol Intolerance?
Many people enjoy a beer or glass of wine in the evening to help unwind after a busy day. But when you have a drink, do you find that your face flushes? Or shortly after, do you experience stomach cramps? If so, you may have alcohol intolerance. What is alcohol...
Can Coffee Cause Headaches?
Many of us depend on coffee to perk us up in the morning, but it also has other effects on top of the obvious energy boost. One unwelcome effect of drinking coffee is that it can lead to headaches, even when drunk in small amounts. And if this is you, there’s every...
Can you be allergic to oats?
The answer is yes, you can. This is not a common allergy but some people do struggle with this staple cereal grain, experiencing a range of unpleasant symptoms after consuming foods containing oats. These reactions can include: Blotchy skin, a rash or eczema A runny...
What foods contain wheat?
Most people in the western world are pretty familiar with wheat - perhaps too familiar. Wheat is the most widely grown and widely traded food crop in the world. Well over 700 million tonnes are grown on 200 million hectares around the world every year - no wonder...
Am I allergic to yeast?
Allergies to dietary yeast don’t receive a lot of attention but they are more common than many people realise, and they are a possibility worth considering if you routinely experience such symptoms as cramps, bloating, rashes or diarrhea after eating. In recipes,...
Sudden food intolerance in adults
Finding yourself suddenly beset by odd symptoms after meals is both unpleasant and uncomfortable, and a food intolerance may not be the first explanation that comes to mind. We tend to think of food intolerance as a lifelong condition - something you are born with....
What is the difference between wheat and gluten intolerance?
Intolerances to wheat and gluten are both relatively common problems, but they are distinct conditions and should not be confused. Let’s start with the basics. Wheat is a cereal, a grain cultivated worldwide as a basic food source. It is, in fact, the most widely...
Why am I bloating after eating?
Bloating after eating is a common problem. Many people experience this uncomfortable, swollen sensation after meals. It is normally triggered by indigestion, or by eating too much of a particular type of food. Fortunately, some relatively simple lifestyle changes can...
Top 5 vitamins for hair growth and thickness
Published July 19, 2021 Hair can be hard work. It’s always doing its own thing - not staying in one place, flickering in response to every passing breeze, having its own little party on the top of your head. At the same time, it’s easy to take it for granted, to...
How do you know if you are allergic to gluten?
Published July 12, 2021 Wheat provides a shockingly large slice of the modern diet. This staple foodstuff may make you think of bread but it is certainly not confined to the bakery counter. It’s easy to forget just how many processed foods contain pastry or flour of...
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