There are symptoms, which are commonly associated with sensitivity or intolerance. However everyone is unique and a sensitivity or intolerance may present itself differently in two different people. Additionally the body only has so many ways it can show that something is disrupting it or that it isn’t functioning as well as it could be. Therefore the same symptom can be experienced in a number of different conditions. If you are unsure about the cause of a symptom please always seek the advice of your physician.


The definition of bloating is swelling or distension in the abdomen and whilst it means a visible distension for some, others have the sensation without any visible physical change. Bloating can be accompanied by other symptoms such as burping, flatulence (gas), discomfort and abdominal rumbling or gurgling. 

There are many possible causes of bloating such as overgrowth or imbalance of bacteria, impaired gas transit, altered gut motility, impaired abdominal reflexes, food sensitivity or intolerance, macro nutrient malabsorption or constipation. 

Whilst common in the general population, women can be particularly prone to bloating due to hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle. Bloating can also occur or be worsened by dehydration, stress and anxiety.


Diarrhea is characterised by abnormally loose or watery stools, or the increase in frequency of defecation. It can be accompanied by pain or cramps, bloating, fever or thirst.

Bacteria, viruses or parasites are the most common cause of acute diarrhea. Whilst chronic diarrhea, which is diarrhea that persists for a longer period of time, can be caused by chronic infections, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, food intolerance or sensitivity causing malabsorption or maldigestion, and allergy.


Constipation is characterised by hard stools, which are difficult or painful to pass. It can be accompanied by pain or cramps, a bloated sensation and/or a loss of appetite.

Constipation generally occurs because the large intestine has absorbed too much water from the food into the body, this can be due to the slow transit time of food through the digestive system. A lack of fibre, lack of physical activity, medications, irritable bowel syndrome, food sensitivity or intolerance, dehydration, certain medications, certain medical conditions and pregnancy can all cause constipation.


Headaches can occur in any part of the head and can be classified as primary or secondary. A primary headache is stand-alone and occurs either due to a problem with, or overactivity of structures of the head. These could be blood vessels, muscles or nerves. Chemical activity changes, like hormone levels, in the brain may also be a cause. Migraines, cluster headaches and tension headaches are all primary headaches.

Secondary headaches are those which are caused by another condition such as concussion, dehydration, glaucoma, teeth-grinding, hangover, flu, panic attacks and other more serious health conditions.

Please note if you have persistent or severe headaches you should always seek advice from your physician.


Fatigue is classified as tiredness, which results from mental or physical exertion. Ordinarily rest or sleep should alleviate fatigue, leaving a person feeling refreshed and reenergised.

Sometimes fatigue is unexplained or the level of fatigue excessive for the level exertion, in this case that fatigue may be present because of food sensitivity or intolerance, viral infection, sleep apnea, anaemia, depression, obesity, thyroid problems or poorly controlled blood sugar.

Please note fatigue can also be the symptom of more serious health conditions therefore if you have persistent fatigue you should always seek advice from your physician.

Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAMS)

Our food sensitivity tests are carried out using bioresonance therapy and is categorised under Complementary and Alternative Medicines (CAMs) which covers a wide range of therapies that fall outside mainstream medicine. Tests and related information provided do not make a medical diagnosis nor is it intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health provider if you have a medical condition or with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition and/or medical symptoms.

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